How Do You Know if Youre a Shine Steven King

The Shining is a 1980 British-American horror movie near a frustrated writer, his married woman and their disturbed son who experience a series of paranormal horrors while looking after a deserted hotel for the wintertime.

Directed by Stanley Kubrick. Written by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson, based on the novel by Stephen Male monarch.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy...(taglines)

Jack Torrance [edit]

  • [typed] All piece of work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
  • God, I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamned soul for just a glass of beer.
  • I'll just gear up my bourbon and advocaat downwards right here.
  • Wendy, baby... I think yous injure my head real bad. I'm dizzy. I remember I need a physician.
  • Wendy? Y'all got a large surprise coming to you. [laughs] You're non going anywhere. Go bank check out the Snowfall Cat and the radio and you'll see what I mean. [laughing insanely] Go check it out! Go check it out!
  • Wendy, I'thousand home.
  • Fiddling pigs, little pigs, let me come in. [Silence and a interruption] Not past the hair of your chiny-chin-chins? Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
  • Hereś Johnny !
    • Notation: ranked #68 in the American Film Constitute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American movie theater
  • Come out, come out, wherever you are!
  • Danny! I'm coming! You tin can't get away! I'm right behind ya!
  • Wendy, darling, calorie-free of my life, I'one thousand not gonna hurt ya. Ya didn't let me finish my judgement. I said, I'chiliad not gonna hurt ya. I'm but gonna bash your brains in. I'yard gonna fustigate 'em correct the fuck in. [laughs]

Wendy Torrance [edit]

  • It was just one of those things, you know. Purely an accident. My hubby had, uh, been drinking, and he came dwelling house near three hours belatedly. So he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood that night. And, well, Danny had scattered some of his school papers all over the room, and my husband grabbed his arm and pulled him away from them. It's... it'due south merely the sort of thing you practice a hundred times with a kid, yous know, in the park or in the streets. Merely on this particular occasion, my husband just used too much strength, and he injured Danny'due south arm. [Nervous laugh] Anyway, something good did come up out of it all, because he said "Wendy, I'thou never gonna touch on another drop. And if I do, you lot can exit me." And he didn't, and he hasn't had any booze in, uh, 5 months.
  • [To Jack] You did this to him, didn't you lot? You son-of-a-bitch! You did this to him! Didn't you lot?! [Jack shakes his head in denial] How could y'all? How could you?!
  • If Jack won't come with us, I'll just have to tell them that we're going by ourselves.
  • [When Tony says he does not desire to go to the Overlook Hotel] Well, allow's just wait and run across. We're all going to take a real adept time.

Danny Torrance [edit]

  • Tony, I'm scared. [As Tony] Remember what Mr. Hallorann said. It's just like pictures in a book. It isn't real.
  • [As Tony] Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance … Danny can't wake upwardly, Mrs. Torrance … Danny's gone abroad, Mrs. Torrance.
  • Redrum … Redrum … Redrum … [Wendy sees information technology written backwards on the door, and in the mirror information technology spells "murder"]

Dick Hallorann [edit]

  • We've got canned fruits and vegetables, canned fish and meats, hot and cold syrups, Mail Toasties, Corn Flakes, Carbohydrate Puffs, Rice Krispies, Oatmeal … and Cream of Wheat. Yous got a dozen jugs of blackness molasses, we got 60 boxes of dried milk, thirty twelve-pound numberless of sugar … now nosotros got stale peaches, dried apricots, dried raisins, stale prunes... [Telepathically to Danny] How'd you like some ice cream, Doc?
  • (Imitating Bugs Bunny) Eh, what'south up, Doc?

Others [edit]

  • Stuart Ullman: Construction started in 1907. It was finished in 1909. The site is supposed to be located on an Indian burial ground, and I believe they really had to repel a few Indian attacks every bit they were edifice it.
  • Grady Twins: How-do-you-do, Danny. Come up and play with us. Come up and play with us, Danny. Forever... [shots of their bloody corpses]... and e'er... and e'er.
  • Hotel Guest: Great party, isn't it?

Dialogue [edit]

Danny: Practise you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter?
Wendy: Sure I practice. It'll be lots of fun.
Danny: Yep, I guess so. Anyway, there'south hardly anybody to play with effectually here.
Wendy: Yes, I know. It e'er takes a petty fourth dimension to make new friends.
Danny: Yes, I guess and then.
Wendy: What nigh Tony? He's looking forrard to the hotel, I bet.
Danny: [every bit Tony] No I own't, Mrs. Torrance.
Wendy: At present, come on, Tony, don't be featherbrained.
Danny: [as Tony] I don't desire to go there, Mrs. Torrance.
Wendy: Well, how come you don't desire to go?
Danny: [every bit Tony] I but don't.
Wendy: Well, let'southward merely wait and see. We're all going to have a real expert time.

Ullman: Physically, information technology's non a very demanding task. The only thing that can get a bit trying upwards here during the winter is... the tremendous sense of isolation.
Jack: Well, that just happens to be exactly what I'grand looking for. I'm outlining a new writing project and, uh, five months of peace is only what I need.
Ullman: That's very skillful, Jack. Because... for some people, solitude and isolation tin can, in itself, become a problem.
Jack: Non for me.

Ullman: I don't suppose they told you anything in Denver well-nigh the tragedy we had up here during the winter of 1970?
Jack: I don't believe they did.
Ullman: Well, my predecessor in this chore hired a man named Charles Grady equally the winter caretaker. And he came up here with his married woman and two little girls - I think they were almost eight and ten - and he had a good employment record, practiced references, and from what I've been told he seemed like a completely normal individual. But at some point during the wintertime, he must accept suffered some kind of complete mental breakup. He ran amok and... he killed his family with an axe. Stacked them neatly in one of the rooms in the West Wing, and so he... put both barrels of a shotgun in his rima oris. Law thought it was what the sometime-timers used to call motel fever; a kind of claustrophobic reaction that tin occur when people are close in together over long periods of fourth dimension.
Jack: Well, that is quite a story.
Ullman: [chuckling] Yep, yeah it is. Oh, it'south still hard for me to believe it actually happened here, but information technology did. So I think you can appreciate why I wanted to tell you about it.
Jack: I certainly tin, and I also understand why your people in Denver left it for you to tell me.

Wendy: Hey, wasn't it around here that the Donner Political party got snowbound?
Jack: I think that was further w in the Sierras.
Wendy: Oh...
Danny: What was the Donner Party?
Jack: They were a party of settlers in covered-wagon times. They got snowbound one winter in the mountains, and they had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay live.
Danny: Yous mean they ate each other up?
Jack: They had to, in gild to survive.
Wendy: Jack--
Danny: Don't worry, Mom. I know all near cannibalism. I saw information technology on TV.
Jack: Y'all run across? It'south okay. He saw it on the television.

Wendy: Are all these Indian designs accurate?
Ullman: Yeah, I believe so. Mainly based on Navajo and Apache motifs.
Wendy: Oh well, they're actually gorgeous. As a thing of fact, this is probably the virtually gorgeous hotel I've ever seen.
Ullman: Oh, this sometime place has had an illustrious past. In its heyday, it was one of the stopping places for the jet-set up, even before anybody knew what a jet-set up was. We had four presidents who stayed here. Lots of movie stars.
Wendy: Royalty?
Ullman: All the best people.

Ullman: We can arrange up to iii hundred people hither very comfortably.
Wendy: Boy, I'll betcha we could actually have a good party in this room, huh?
Ullman: I'grand afraid you're not gonna practise too well here, unless yous brought your own supplies. We always remove all the alcohol from the premises when we shut down. That reduces the insurance we ordinarily have to comport.
Jack: We don't drink.
Ullman: Well then y'all're in luck.

Hallorann: Mrs. Torrance, your husband introduced you as Winifred. Now, are yous a Winnie or a Freddy?
Wendy: I'm a Wendy.
Hallorann: Oh, that's dainty. That's the prettiest.

Ullman: By five o'clock tonight, you'll never know anybody was ever hither.
Wendy: Simply like a ghost ship, huh?

Hallorann: You know how I knew your proper noun was Doctor? [Danny doesn't answer] Y'all know what i'thousand talkin' 'bout, don't you? [No answer once again] I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could concord conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it "shining". And for a long fourth dimension, I thought it was just the two of u.s. that had the smoothen to us. Just like you lot probably thought you was the simply one. But in that location are other folks, though by and large they don't know it, or don't believe information technology. How long take you been able to do it? [Danny doesn't respond] Why don't you wanna talk about it?
Danny: I'1000 non supposed to.
Hallorann: Who says you lot ain't supposed to?
Danny: Tony.
Hallorann: Who'due south Tony?
Danny: Tony is a little male child that lives in my mouth.
Hallorann: Is Tony the 1 that tells y'all things?
Danny: Yep.
Hallorann: How does he tell you things?
Danny: It'southward similar I go to slumber, and he shows me things. But when I wake up, I can't call back everything.
Hallorann: Does your Mom and Dad know about Tony?
Danny: Yes.
Hallorann: Practice they know he tells y'all things?
Danny: No. Tony told me never to tell them.
Hallorann: Has Tony ever told you lot annihilation near this place? Nearly the Overlook Hotel?
Danny: I don't know.
Hallorann: At present think real hard, Doc. Recollect.
Danny: Maybe he showed me something.
Hallorann: Attempt to call back of what it was.
Danny: Mr. Hallorann, are you scared of this place?
Hallorann: No. I ain't scared of nothing here. Information technology's merely that, you know, some places are like people. Some "shine" and some don't. I guess you could say the Overlook Hotel here has something near like "shining".
Danny: Is in that location something bad here?
Hallorann: Well, yous know, Doc, when something happens, it can go out a trace of itself behind, say like if someone burns toast. Well, possibly things that happen leave other kinds of traces backside. Not things that anyone else can observe, but things that people who shine can see, just like they can come across things that oasis't happened yet. Well, sometimes they tin can see things that happened a long fourth dimension ago. I recollect a lot of things happened right hither in this hotel over the years, and non all of 'em was skillful.
Danny: What about Room 237?
Hallorann: Room 237?
Danny: You're scared of Room 237, ain't ya?
Hallorann: No I own't.
Danny: Mr. Hallorann, what is in Room 237?
Hallorann: Nothing! There ain't cypher in Room 237, but you haven't got no business going in there anyway, and so stay out. You empathize? Stay out!

[Wendy brings Jack breakfast in bed]
Wendy: Information technology'southward really pretty outside. How about taking me for a walk after you've finished your breakfast?
Jack: Oh, I suppose I ought to attempt to do some writing first.
Wendy: Any ideas however?
Jack: Lots of ideas. No good ones.
Wendy: Well, something'll come. It'due south only a affair of settling back into the habit of writing every twenty-four hour period.
Jack: Aye, that's all it is.
Wendy: It'south really nice upwardly here, isn't information technology?
Jack: I love it, I really practise. I've never been this happy or comfortable anywhere.
Wendy: Yeah, it's amazing how fast y'all get used to such a big place. I tell you, when we beginning came up hither, I thought it was kind of scary.
Jack: I fell in love with it right away. When I came upwardly here for my interview, it was every bit though I'd been here before. I mean, we all have moments of déjà vu, but this was ridiculous. It was virtually every bit though I knew what was going to exist effectually every corner.

Wendy: Get a lot written today?
Jack: Yep.
Wendy: Hey! Atmospheric condition forecast said it'south gonna snow tonight!
Jack: What practise yous want me to do about information technology?
Wendy: Aw, come on, Hun. Don't be so grouchy.
Jack: I'g not existence grouchy. I but desire to finish my piece of work.
Wendy: Okay, I sympathise. I'll come up back later on with a couple of sandwiches for ya, and maybe you'll allow me read something and so.
Jack: Wendy, let me explain something to yous. Whenever you come in here and interrupt me, you're breaking my concentration. You're distracting me! [he hits his head with the palm of his hand, rips up his manuscript, and throws it onto the floor] And information technology volition then accept me time to get back to where I was! Understand?!
Wendy: Yeah.
Jack: I'k gonna brand a new rule: whenever I'm in hither, and y'all hear me typing, [presses down on random keys] whether you don't hear me typing, whatever the fuck you hear me doing in here, when I'1000 in here, that ways that I am working. That ways don't come in. At present, exercise yous recall y'all can handle that?
Wendy: Yeah.
Jack: Fine. Why don't you lot start right now and get the fuck outta here?
Wendy: Okay...

[Danny enters the room finding Jack awake sitting on his bed]
Danny: Can I go to my room and get my fire-engine?
Jack: Come hither for a minute first. [Danny sits with Jack] How's information technology going, Doc?
Danny: Okay.
Jack: Are you lot having a good time?
Danny: Yes, Dad.
Jack: Proficient. I want you to take a good fourth dimension.
Danny: I am. Dad?
Jack: Yes?
Danny: Do you feel bad?
Jack: No. I'yard just a little tired.
Danny: Then why don't you go to slumber?
Jack: I tin can't. I have as well much to practise.
Danny: Dad?
Jack: Yes?
Danny: Do you like this hotel?
Jack: Yes I do. I beloved it. Don't yous?
Danny: I judge so.
Jack: Expert. I want you to like it here. I wish we could stay hither for ever, and ever... and e'er.
Danny: Dad?
Jack: What?
Danny: You wouldn't ever hurt Mommy and me, would you?
Jack: What do y'all mean? Did your mother e'er say that to you, that I would injure you?
Danny: No, Dad.
Jack: Are you sure?
Danny: Yeah, Dad.
Jack: I love you, Danny. I dearest you more anything else in the whole earth, and I'd never practise anything to hurt you, ever. You know that, don't you?
Danny: Yes, Dad.
Jack: Good.

Jack: It was the most terrible nightmare I always had! It's the most horrible dream I ever had!
Wendy: It'southward okay, it'southward over now.
Jack: I dreamed that I — that I killed you and Danny. But I didn't merely kill y'all. I cutting you upwards into little pieces. Oh my God! I must exist losing my mind.
Wendy: Everything's gonna be all correct.

Jack: Hullo, Lloyd. A little tiresome tonight, isn't it? [laughs]
Lloyd: Yep it is, Mr. Torrance. What'll it be?
Jack: I'm awfully glad you asked me that, Lloyd. Because I just happen to have two twenties and two tens right here in my wallet. I was afraid they were gonna be there until adjacent Apr. So here'due south what: you lot slip me a bottle of bourbon, a footling glass and some ice. You tin can practise that, can't you, Lloyd? You're non likewise busy, are you lot?
Lloyd: No, sir. I'm not busy at all.
Jack: Skilful human being! Yous prepare 'em up and I'll knock 'em back, Lloyd. One by ane. White human being'south burden, Lloyd, my man! White human's burden. [checks wallet] Say, Lloyd, it seems I'm temporarily light! How'south my credit in this joint, anyhow?
Lloyd: Your credit's fine, Mr. Torrance.
Jack: That'south swell. I similar you, Lloyd. I always liked you. You were always the best of 'em. Best god-damn bartender from Timbuktu to Portland, Maine. Or Portland, Oregon, for that thing.
Lloyd: Thank y'all for proverb and so.
Jack: Here'due south to five miserable months on the railroad vehicle, and all the irreparable harm that it'south caused me.
Lloyd: How are things going, Mr. Torrance?
Jack: Things could exist better, Lloyd. Things could be a whole lot better.
Lloyd: I promise information technology's zip serious.
Jack: No. Zilch serious. Just a little problem with the, uh, old sperm-banking company upstairs. Cypher I can't handle though, Lloyd. Thanks.
Lloyd: Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Jack: Words of wisdom, Lloyd! Words of wisdom. I never laid a hand on him, goddamn it. I didn't. I wouldn't touch on one hair on his goddamn piddling head. I honey the little son of a bitch! I'd do anything for him, any fucking thing for him. But that bowwow! As long as I alive, she'll never let me forget what happened. I did hurt him once, okay? Information technology was an blow — completely unintentional, could have happened to everyone — and it was iii goddamn years ago! The little fucker had thrown all my papers all over the floor, and all I tried to do was pull him up! A momentary loss of muscular coordination, all right? A few extra foot-pounds of energy per 2nd, per second.

Wendy: Jack, there'south someone else in the hotel with us! There'due south a crazy adult female in one of the rooms! She tried to strangle Danny!
Jack: Are you out of your fucking mind?
Wendy: No, information technology'due south the truth! I swear it! Danny told me! He went upwards into one of the bedrooms, the door was open up, and he saw this crazy woman in the bathtub! She tried to strangle him!
Jack: [suspension] Which room was it?

Wendy: Did you lot notice annihilation?
Jack: No, nothing at all. I didn't see ane goddamn thing.
Wendy: Yous went into the room Danny said, to 237?
Jack: Yes I did.
Wendy: And you didn't run across anything at all?
Jack: Absolutely nix. How is he?
Wendy: He's however asleep.
Jack: Good. I'thou sure he'll be himself again in the morn.
Wendy: Well, are you sure it was the right room? I mean, perhaps Danny fabricated a mistake.
Jack: He must take gone in that room. The door was open, the lights were on.
Wendy: Oh, I but don't understand it. What nearly those bruises on his neck? Somebody did that to him.
Jack: I retrieve he did it to himself.
Wendy: No, that'south not possible.
Jack: Wendy, once you lot rule out his version of what happened, there is no other caption, is there? It wouldn't be much different from the episode that he had before we came upwardly here, would information technology?
Wendy: 'Whatever the explanation is, I call up we have to get Danny out of here.
Jack: Get him out of here?
Wendy: Yes.
Jack: You lot mean only go out the hotel?
Wendy: Yep.
Jack: It is so fucking typical of you to create a problem like this when I finally have a chance to reach something, when I'm really into my piece of work! I could really write my own ticket if I went back to Boulder now, couldn't I? Shoveling out driveways? Work in a carwash? Any of that appeal to you lot?
Wendy: Jack, please!
Jack: Wendy, I accept let you fuck up my life and then far, but I am not gonna permit you fuck this up!

Lloyd: Proficient evening, Mr. Torrance.
Jack: How-do-you-do, Lloyd. Been away, but now I'm back.
Lloyd: It'south good to come across you lot.
Jack: It'southward adept to be back, Lloyd.
Lloyd: What'll information technology be, sir?
Jack: Hair of the canis familiaris that bit me.
Lloyd: Bourbon on the rocks.
Jack: That'll do her.
Lloyd: No charge to you, Mr. Torrance.
Jack: No charge?
Lloyd: Your money'due south no good hither. Orders from the house.
Jack: Orders from the firm?
Lloyd: Drink up, Mr. Torrance.
Jack: I'm the kind of homo who likes to know who'due south buying their drinks, Lloyd.
Lloyd: Information technology's not a matter that concerns you, Mr. Torrance. At to the lowest degree not at this point.
Jack: Annihilation you say, Lloyd! Anything you say!

Jack: What exercise they telephone call you effectually here, Jeevesy?
Grady: Grady, sir. Delbert Grady.
Jack: Grady?
Grady: Yes, sir.
Jack: Delbert Grady?
Grady: That's right, sir.
Jack: Uh, Mr. Grady, haven't I seen you somewhere earlier?
Grady: Why no, sir. I don't believe so. [cleans Jack's coat] Ah, information technology's coming off now, sir.
Jack: Um, Mr. Grady, weren't you one time the caretaker here?
Grady: Why no, sir. I don't believe and so.
Jack: You a hubby, are y'all, Mr. Grady?
Grady: Yes, sir. I have a wife and two daughters, sir.
Jack: And, uh, where are they at present?
Grady: Oh, they're somewhere around. I'm not quite sure at the moment, sir.
Jack: Mr. Grady, y'all were the caretaker here. I recognize you. I saw your moving picture in the newspapers. You lot uh, chopped your married woman and daughters up into little bits and so you lot blew your brains out.
Grady: That'due south foreign, sir. I don't have whatever recollection of that at all.
Jack: Mr. Grady, you were the caretaker here.
Grady: I'm distressing to differ with you, sir, simply you are the flagman. You've always been the caretaker. I should know, sir. I've always been here. Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an exterior party into this situation? Did you know that?
Jack: No.
Grady: He is, Mr. Torrance.
Jack: Who?
Grady: A nigger.
Jack: A nigger?
Grady: A nigger cook.
Jack: How?
Grady: Your son has a very smashing talent. I don't think y'all are aware how great information technology is, but he is attempting to use that very talent against your will.
Jack: Well, he is a very willful boy!
Grady: Indeed he is, Mr. Torrance. A very willful male child. A rather naughty boy, if I may be so assuming, sir.
Jack: It's his female parent. She uh, interferes.
Grady: Perhaps they need a skilful talking to, if y'all don't mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more than. My girls, sir, they didn't care for the Overlook at first. One of them really stole a pack of matches and tried to burn it down, only I corrected them, sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I corrected her.

[Wendy is reading Jack'due south manuscript which constantly says "All work and no play makes Jack a ho-hum boy". A manic Jack appears]
Jack: How do you lot similar it?
Wendy: [screams] Jack!
Jack: What are yous doing downwards here?
Wendy: I just wanted to talk to you.
Jack: Okay. Let's talk. What practise you lot want to talk near?
Wendy: I — I can't really remember.
Jack: You can't retrieve?
Wendy: No. I can't.
Jack: Maybe it was about Danny? Possibly it was about him. I call up we should discuss Danny. I remember we should discuss what should exist washed with him. What should be done with him?
Wendy: [sobbing] I don't know.
Jack: I don't think that's true. I call up you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny, and I'd like to know what they are.
Wendy: I call up possibly he should be taken to a md!
Jack: You remember "perchance" he should be "taken to a doctor"?
Wendy: Yep!
Jack: When practise you think "perchance" he should be "taken to a doc"?
Wendy: As before long as possible!
Jack: "Every bit soon equally possible"?
Wendy: Jack! Please!
Jack: You lot believe his health might be at stake.
Wendy: Yes!
Jack: You are concerned about him.
Wendy: Yes!
Jack: And are you lot concerned nigh me?
Wendy: Of course I am!
Jack: "Of course" yous are! Always idea about my responsibilities?
Wendy: Oh, Jack, what are y'all talking nigh?
Jack: Have you ever had a single moment'south idea about my responsibilities? Have you ever thought, for a single lonely moment, virtually my responsibilities to my employers? Has information technology ever occurred to you that I take agreed to await after the Overlook Hotel until May the commencement? Does information technology matter to you lot at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a letter of the alphabet of agreement, a contract, in which I have accustomed that responsibleness? Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principle is? Exercise yous? Has it ever occurred to you lot what would happen to my future if I were to fail to alive upwards to my responsibilities? Has it always occurred to you? Has information technology?
Wendy: [swinging a bat] Stay away from me!
Jack: Why?
Wendy: I merely want to go dorsum to my room!
Jack: Why?
Wendy: Well, I'm very confused! I just need a chance to think things over!
Jack: You lot've had your whole fucking life to think things over! What good'southward a few minutes more gonna do y'all at present?
Wendy: Stay away from me! Please! Don't hurt me!
Jack: I'm not going to injure y'all.
Wendy: Stay away from me!
Jack: Wendy...
Wendy: Stay away!
Jack: Darling, calorie-free of my life, I'thou not going to injure yous. Yous didn't allow me cease my sentence. I said I'g non gonna hurt ya. I'chiliad just going to bash your brains in! I'm going to bash 'em right the fuck in!

Grady: Mr. Torrance, I see y'all can hardly have taken care of the... business concern we discussed.
Jack: No need to rub it in, Mr. Grady. I'll deal with that situation simply as before long equally I become out of here.
Grady: Will y'all indeed, Mr. Torrance. I wonder. I take my doubts. I and others take come up to believe that your heart is non in this, that you haven't the belly for it.
Jack: Just give me one more chance to prove it, Mr. Grady. That'south all I ask.
Grady: Your wife appears to be stronger than nosotros imagined, Mr. Torrance, somewhat more... resourceful. She seems to accept got the amend of you.
Jack: For the moment, Mr. Grady. Only for the moment.
Grady: I fearfulness you will have to deal with this matter in the harshest possible way, Mr. Torrance. I fear... that is the but matter to do.
Jack: In that location'south nothing I look forrard to with greater pleasure, Mr. Grady.
Grady: You lot give your discussion on that, do y'all, Mr. Torrance?
Jack: I requite you lot my discussion.
[the door is unlocked, letting Jack out]

Danny: [possessed by Tony] Redrum...Redrum...Redrum...
Wendy: Danny, stop it.
[Wendy sees it written backwards on the door, and in the mirror it spells "murder". Only and so they hear Jack chopping on the door with an ax. Wendy and Danny escapes into the bath. Wendy then locks the door and clears out the toiletries on elevation of the toilet's tank to open the window. Jack manages to pause through parts of it.]
Jack: Wendy, I'thou home.
[He unlocks the door and lets himself in. In the bathroom, Wendy clears out some snowfall to brand room for Danny. She slides him out to prophylactic. When Wendy attempts to escape the same fashion, she finds herself trapped in the bathroom as the window's opening isn't big enough to let her through.]
Jack:[Advancing in the sleeping room] Come up out. Come out, wherever you are.
[In the bathroom, Wendy opens the bath window again and attempts to escape from there, simply she is still stuck.]
Wendy: Danny, I can't become out. Quick, get him out. Run.
[Danny runs out and Wendy grabs the bread pocketknife to defend herself behind the wall and nearby the shower. Inside the bedroom, Jack notices the bath door locked and smiles intently knowing his family unit is there.]
Jack: Little pigs. Little Pigs, let me come up in. [gets no respond] Not by the hair on your chinny chin-mentum? And so I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
[He uses the ax to chop open the bathroom door open and Wendy screams in terror every bit she begs him to stop. After breaking downward parts of the door, he peers in to see her]
Jack: Here's Johnny!
[As he attempts to reach in the bathroom to open the door, Wendy slices his hand]

Nigh The Shining (moving picture) [edit]

  • I don't get it. But there are a lot of things that I don't get. Merely obviously people absolutely love it, and they don't empathize why I don't. The book is hot, and the moving-picture show is cold; the book ends in fire, and the motion picture in water ice. In the volume, at that place'due south an bodily arc where yous see this guy, Jack Torrance, trying to exist good, and little by little he moves over to this place where he'southward crazy. And every bit far equally I was concerned, when I saw the movie, Jack was crazy from the first scene. I had to go on my oral fissure shut at the time. It was a screening, and Nicholson was there. But I'm thinking to myself the minute he's on the screen, "Oh, I know this guy. I've seen him in five motorcycle movies, where Jack Nicholson played the same function." And it's and then misogynistic. I hateful, Wendy Torrance is just presented as this sort of screaming dishrag. But that's only me, that'due south the manner I am.
    • Stephen Rex Stephen King: The Rolling Stone Interview October 31, 2014)

Taglines [edit]

  • Some places are like people: some shine and some don't
  • All work and no play makes Jack a wearisome boy...
  • A Masterpiece of Modernistic Horror
  • Stanley Kubrick's epic nightmare of horror
  • The Horror is driving him crazy!
  • The tide of terror that swept America is Hither [Great britain Poster]
  • He Came As The Caretaker, Simply This Hotel Had Its Own Guardians – Who'd Been There A Long Time

Cast [edit]

  • Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance
  • Shelley Duvall as Wendy Torrance
  • Danny Lloyd every bit Danny Torrance
  • Scatman Crothers as Dick Hallorann
  • Barry Nelson as Stuart Ullman
  • Philip Rock as Delbert Grady
  • Joe Turkel equally Lloyd the Bartender
  • Lisa Burns as Grady'south Girl

External links [edit]


  • The Shining quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • The Shining at Rotten Tomatoes
  • The Shining at

How Do You Know if Youre a Shine Steven King


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