How to Get Baby Boomers to Work With Millennials

Generations tin can be defined by family unit construction, stage of life or historical events. Just most often, they're categorised as "cohorts" of people born during a particular period in time. Catchy labels such as babe boomers, millennials and Gen X and Gen Z tend to stick with each cohort, which are assumed to take shared experiences, behaviours and ideals. This is known as a "cohort event".

But mutual generalisations – for example, that baby boomers are hoarding housing, while millennials have no hope of buying a home – can misconstrue or mask the inequalities that exist within and across generations. Then rather than pitching the generations confronting one another, perhaps it'due south time to unpack some common assumptions, and question how much i generation really benefits at another's expense.

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The name game

Popular labels are practical to the generations currently living. The "silent generation" are those born from 1925 to 1945 – and so called because they were raised during a period of war and economical depression. The "babe boomers" came next from 1945 to 1964, the result of an increase in births post-obit the end of Globe War II.

Later on the baby boomers came "Generation X", from around 1965 to 1976. The term coined past Charles Hamlett and Jane Deverson (originally referring to the Babe Boomers in their teenage years), was made popular by Douglas Coupland's eponymous 1991 novel. The characterization reflected the counterculture of a rebellious generation, distrustful of the institution and keen to find their own voice.

The cohort known as millennials – originally Generation Y – were identified past American authors William Strauss and Neil Howe as those graduating high school in the year 2000. With the popular focus on the millennium at the fourth dimension, the name stuck. Although the birth appointment of this accomplice can beginning from as early every bit the late 1970s, by some accounts, it more often than not ranges from the early on 1980s to the mid-1990s or early on 2000s.

"Generation Z" is the current proper name for the cohort born from the mid-1990s, though iGen, centennials, post-millennials are further possible labels for a generation that has grown up in a hyper connected globe. A "new silent generation" is emerging for those born during the early 2000s, since like their great grandparents in the silent generation, their babyhood is also deemed to exist marked by war and economic recession.

From needy to greedy

Social and political disharmonize between generations often boils down to the seemingly unfair consumption of resources by the old. During the 1940s, the "needy" older generation were seen as a burden on the tax-paying younger generation. From the 1950s, older people were blocking beds in hospitals, when they should exist in their own homes. More than recently, older people are beingness told that they should move out of their homes and stop hoarding family housing.

Today, it'southward often said that baby boomers benefited most from the welfare country, during a period when healthcare and teaching were free, jobs plentiful and housing affordable. There is also a fright that this generation will be the last to have adept pensions.

But all of these arguments conveniently ignore the inequalities within generations, which are greater than the inequalities between them. Non only is there considerable inequality within cohorts, even greater divides are created by gender, ethnicity, disability, housing tenure and class.

Some young people are living the dream. Shutterstock.

Have housing, for example. While babe boomers are often accused of hoarding housing, the aggregating of housing wealth is more oftentimes a reflection of income and regional variances, rather than historic period differences. Between xx% and 25% of the housing wealth in the UK is owned by those under the historic period of 65, who are in the top 20% of the population in terms of income.

Society'southward limits

Some other case is education. While baby boomers and Gen X may non accept paid for their university instruction, very few were actually able to take advantage. In England and Wales, participation was at viii.4% in 1970 compared to 33% in 2000. Overall levels of instruction accept actually improved over time.

The issues facing younger cohorts accept more than to do with the social limits to growth than the cost of education. In 1976, sociologist Fred Hirsch suggested that while the economic system continues to grow, enabling ever greater consumption, society's social structures volition remain limited.

And so, though more people are gaining degrees, only one person tin can become the chore or the promotion. Standing out from the oversupply requires ever increasing educational qualifications, piece of work experience or skills training. In Hirsch's words, "if everyone stands on tiptoe, no i gets a better view".

With limited opportunities in society, rationing is achieved through higher entry requirements to both the labour and housing markets. The extent to which people can run across those requirements is withal a matter of where they were born in the social hierarchy, rather than when they were built-in.

Indeed, wealth is mostly transferred from older to younger generations via inheritance, rather than withheld: the problem is that this reinforces inequalities within cohorts, as richer people benefit more than from transfers of family wealth. People's access to health care, pedagogy and housing are determined by policy and the economic system, not their date of birth, and the hype about generational conflict merely serves to mask the existent inequalities in society.

How to Get Baby Boomers to Work With Millennials


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